Power of Three


My wife, Laura, and I tend to have deep conversations in the kitchen while preparing dinner. This time we got to talking about the services that ALL people should have available to them. It's a recurring conversation that takes different forms, but she reminded me that they include, Financial, Emotional (Mental), and Physical. All individuals, no matter their socioeconomic level, should have access to professionals that can help them with all three. Unfortunately, the best financial, physical, and emotional care is costly, thus reserved for those that have the money to pay. She is a Certified Financial Planner and I am an Empathy Cultivator (just made that up). Both of our missions are foundational to the overall health of an individual, yet, our professions are typically positioned for those that are wealthy or in leadership positions. We're not cool with that and believe in raising the tide for all.

Individually, Laura and I are positioning our passions in finance and emotional health in such a way that allows more people to get involved. She is building and running an online course and I am trying to invade as many meetings as I can with a small dose of self-empathy and other-empathy (see Empathy Standup).

So, if you want to learn more about getting your financial plan together, check out LauraDMoney. If you want to get small doses of self-empathy and other-empathy, you've come to the right place. Let's talk!

A serious question for you, how are you continuously working on your physical, emotional, and financial health?

With energy,



Running on Empty


Energy and Baggage