Running on Empty


I tried my best to write something worth while about Dick Fosbury and how he changed the world by doing something VERY different, but I just couldn't finish it. I won't get into that story as I need to save it for another day.

Some days, weeks, months, years are just exhausting. Today, all I could muster was support for my family and suggesting that we go on a couple walks post storm. Hurricane Zeta knocked out our small school's electricity, friends and L's work is without power as well...which left us in a bit of a bind. None-the-less, we ate at the table together breakfast, lunch, and dinner, exchanged stories, and recently they turned in for the night. I listened to Prince while doing dishes, danced around with a broom while sweeping, and then sat down on the freshly cleaned floor and cried a bit. It was a day.

Being on empty is okay. Tomorrow is a new day.

With energy,



Alternative Self


Power of Three