Empathy Standup (for YOU)

Your calendar is probably filled with meetings and meetings about meetings. There are a few Zoom calls in there that you are dreading as well. Very little time is dedicated to building YOU during the day. Empathy Standup is your weekly self-empathy and others-empathy practice.

Standup Details:

  • Practice is about 45 minutes long

  • Bring a pen, paper/sticky notes, something to write on

  • Shut down all of your digital notifications (hands off keyboard and mouse)

  • Focus on this practice and be as present as you can be

We run this like a workout, so be dedicated, and be on time.

Standup Sign Ups are OPEN for 2025

We hold this space for challenging and intimate conversations; from love and leadership to anger and appreciation. In order to honor this space, each of the Empathy Standup participants are encouraged to understand the Empathy Decathlon framework so that they understand how we are approaching the practice of me-empathy and we-empathy.

Wednesday’s @ 9am ET

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Friday’s at 11am ET

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