Energy and Baggage


There is an everlasting battle between the energy we create and the baggage we carry. They tend to get in the way of each other, prevent the proper cultivating of each, and if left unchecked, can be completely out of our control.

Today I got the chance to work with 3 amazing humans during this Wednesday's Empathy Standup. Individually we explored the thing that bring us Energy and those that feel like they are holding us back, Baggage. I had them write down on sticky notes what they believed were sources of Energy and sources of Baggage. We then took these notes and figured out which of them were in our control and which of them were controlled outside of us.

The session was quick, but they all understood how important it is to cultivate and protect Energy while maintaining a healthy balance with Baggage. They also have homework before the next Wednesday Empathy Standup.

Join us, but if you can't, no worries! Get some post it notes and examine what gives you Energy and what Baggage you are dragging along. What can you control, what are completely out of your control?

With energy,


Power of Three


In Defense of Happiness