“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
This has been a LONG week. Today, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were predicted to be the President and Vice President elect of the United States of America. This was a seed planted 20 years ago, back in 2000. Somehow, someway, we were able to nurture this moment over time to happen. So, how is the seed we are planting today going to look 20 years from now. While I cannot claim that empathy alone brought about this conclusion, I do believe that many citizens of the US realized that we were being lead in the wrong direction (about 4 million of them). Leadership was more apathetic towards each other than empathetic with each other. Progress cannot be made when people feel unsafe and unheard.
The healing starts now, as a seed. While empathy at the moment might not be the solution to a very new and very raw change, committing to sewing the seed of empathy will help us in the long run to listen, respond, and build together. It must be obvious where I stand in this political game and despite that stance, I want the very best for those that disagree with me. To those that hate and disrespect me because of my differences, I have no empathetic time for them. For those that too want the best for me, let's work together to see what seeds we can cultivate together.
With energy (that's low),