empathy lab

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What day is it?

When the perfect storm of events hit, it can be hard to figure out something that seems rather simple like, "What day is it?" Between the pandemic, the election, hurricane Zeta, power outages, water outages, and kid's school being out, I've had a hard time focusing on what day it is. Oh yes, last night was daylight saving time, which threw today off as well.

This reality of multiple distractions isn't all that different than life in general. We might have meetings, phone calls, client work, kids duties, grocery shopping, and a car repair all landing on the same day and we have to keep our wits with us. Missing some of our obligations will push them to later, missing others will put people (kids and coworkers) in a bad spot. It happens, that is life...but what if we have too many obligations in the first place.

A big issue with maintaining and cultivating Energy comes from the distractions we endure and take on throughout our life. It's hard to concentrate on one thing when 11 other things are vying for your attention. It might actually be impossible. Either we can do some if not all of them poorly, or we can figure out a way to get rid of some attention grabbing external experiences. This is why we list out all of our Baggage in the second skill of the Empathy Decathlon.

Identify and deal with Baggage so that you can retain, cultivate, and build Energy for the things you really want to do. With more Energy and less distractive Baggage, knowing what day it is might be a bit easier!

With energy,
