Empathy Athlete Community (EAC)

Being in a community that actively practices empathy is the antidote to disconnection and loneliness. Empathy is also the fuel to innovation, intimacy, and incredible human progress.

We want everyone to be a part of our Empathy Athlete Community, therefore we have TWO ways to get involved.

  • Join the Community as a member

  • Join a public practice as a spectator

Check out our membership plans below and find a way for you to get started with us in the Empathy Athlete Community.

Join a practice.

Public empathy practice, every Friday at 11am ET. It’s informative, enjoyable, and will leave you feeling seen, heard, and cared for.

Join the community!

EAC Athlete

Membership to the Empathy Athlete Community, a place where we will connect regularly, check-in with each other, learn some lesson, support one another, cry, laugh, and evolve. Let's do it!

✓ Invitation to join our Discord (chat) channel
✓ Invitation to Empathy Standups on Wednesday and Friday
✓ Name on the official Empathy Athlete Roster

What to expect from
the Community?

  • Weekly LIVE empathy practices on Wednesdays and Fridays during work hours (so you are not taking time away from family, friends, and self)

  • Full access to all Empathy Decathlon® curriculum and training as it becomes available

  • A safe and secure community monitored by the EL team

  • Practices guided by Shelton or a member of the Empathy Lab team

  • Documented weekly practices for rewatching, studying, laughing at, and learning from

  • Worksheets and videos to study and share

  • Deep relationships and connections with others dedicated to an empathy practice

  • Invitations to events in the Atlanta, Georgia area (and beyond?!?!)

  • Members that reach the 6 month mark get an “empathy athlete” t-shirt and practice pack

  • Job and career connections

Who is the
Community for?

  • Individuals looking to empathetically reconnect with themselves and cultivate connections with others

  • Humans looking for a third place to go that isn’t work or home

  • Homo sapiens interested in evolving their empathetic and compassionate mobility, flexibility, capacity with others

  • Team managers looking for guidance and support when it comes to cultivating an empathetic team culture

  • Company leaders that need to put self-care on their work calendar and hopefully convince fellow leaders to join in

  • People that desire to do challenging AND incredible things with others

We’ve coached almost 500 LIVE empathy practices since 2018.

What makes up an Empathy Athlete Practice?

Warm up

  • 5 minute + 5 senses self-awareness check in

  • Energy and Baggage review

  • Sharing, celebrating, and thanking


  • Topic specific facilitation from current events OR the Empathy Decathlon®

  • Discussions (breakouts when necessary)

Cool down

  • Review day’s practice

  • Integration, next steps, kindergarten cool down

How we community

We will be using Discord as our main source of connection, communication, and collaboration. From Discord you will have access to our Zoom run practice sessions via Google Calendar, our shared library, and most importantly, each other.

Community Athlete Resources

Weekly LIVE Practices

We practice every week! On Wednesday at 9am ET and 12:30pm ET and Friday at 11am ET. Make one of our practices to exercise you empathy muscles with our topic of the week.


We are building out a shared library in Discord full of books, TEDtalks, articles, and events. It’s an ever growing resource for all Empathy Athletes to add to and use!

Job and resumé board (WIP)

Work with others that you know are empathetic and compassionate. Whether you are looking for a new job or are hiring for a role, the more EAC driven teams and companies out there, the better.


Empathy Lab cannot do it all, therefore we will be partnering with other organizations (Center for Compassionate Leadership, Fiery Feather, etc.) in order to diversify the content, knowledge, and opportunities we share with you.


Keeping it simple and responsible, we will be keeping our merchandise to a bare minimum. To start off with, year-dedicated Empathy Athlete will receive a “empathy athlete” t-shirt in the mail! Athletes that reach the 6-month mark will also get a t-shirt. Other goodies will come with your membership overtime.

Longitudinal Research

In order to prove that a community like this works, we will be gathering ethnographic and statistical data from its members. All data gathered will be of use for the EAC’s continued evolution and ability to hold the space and support its Empathy Athletes.

If You Want To Run Fast, Run Alone.
If You Want To Run Far, Run Together.

— African Proverb