empathy lab

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October Newsletter

This month’s newsletter, like the one before is as simple as can be. Following the K.I.S.S. philosophy I posted about earlier, I gave them three things for people to focus on.

Here’s what I shared with those that get the newsletter:

I cannot believe that this is the last week of October! Ahhh, spooky!!

Keeping this VERY simple:

  1. Go Vote and if you have, high fives! We've got some super soft "Vote Empathy" shirts and all profits go to EJI. Purchase one, or two.

  2. Empathy Standup - It starts Wednesday, October 28th at 9am EDT and all Wednesday's to follow. In under 30 minutes I want to refuel your week with self empathy and empathy for others. Join October 28th!

  3. Empathy Daily Blog - I've been writing and sketching daily about empathy, self awareness, and life.

That's it! I hope your October has been productive, that your body and mind are as healthy as can be, and that I get too interact with you very soon.

With energy,


If you want to get our monthly newsletter, sign up in the footer.

Enjoy the day!
