Empathy Standup
Empathy Standup practice starts on October 28th, get on the roster!
For many teams, the morning standup is integral of their daily practice. It's a time when a whole team comes together and talks over their work. Typically it is short and everyone has a chance to talk about what they worked on yesterday, what they are working on today, and if anything was blocking them from making progress. Each member of the team takes a turn, shares, and at the end of it they talk about how to work through the blocks that people have in order to help the whole team move forward. It works well, if someone is there to keep everyone focused and on task. A good standup needs a guide.
This is where the Empathy Standup comes in. Empathy practice must be part of our everyday life and it is integral to the progress of the companies and communities we work within. While a full day workshop could help, few of us have the time or mental capacity to take that on. We are exhausted.
With the Empathy Standup, sit back, turn off your notifications, close all those tabs, and block off 30 minutes of your calendar for personal and professional development. I will guide you though the standup, you just need to show up, pay attention, and do your best.
Empathy Standup agenda:
Group warm up exercises + roll call
Empathy stretching (empathy skill practice based on the Empathy Decathlon)
Cool down (how to integrate this into your day)
Send off (with all our might!)
Join and prepare for the FIRST of many Empathy Standup on Wednesday, October 28, 2020 at 9am EDT.
Cost is $5.55 per month (if you are charged for October, I will refund you.)
Have some some sticky notes
Grab a pen (Sharpie preferred)
And a paper notebook (no digital stuff!)
Be ready to hide your phone and close down applications.
Why five dollars and fifty-five cents? It’s easy to sign up a free meeting and not go. It’s difficult to miss a meeting that you paid a weird amount for. Make a commitment to yourself to show up and put in the work.
Happy Friday-ing y’all! I hope to see your smiling face at Empathy Standup on Wednesday, October 28th 2020 at 9:00am EDT sharp. Be there!
With energy,